Posts tagged Shrn
Victoria Nelon

Victoria Nelon was our So Hot Right Now in January of 2019 and then she joined our team. Since becoming a Buttoned babe, she has been a photographer, writer and she has helped run the Instagram. Nelon is graduating in May and her presence in Buttoned is going to be missed. She is warm, welcoming, real, funny and so stylish. Nelon never goes unnoticed. Remember her name, because you will read about her one day in Vogue.

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Kate George

Austin native, Kate George, is a style icon. Kate finds her style inspiration from her mother, who has taught her to invest in well-made clothing. Kate loves her clothes to be sustainable and bold. The dress pictured was bought in Paris, while Kate studied abroad this past summer. She is unique, graceful, dainty, and this week’s So Hot Right Now.

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