How To: Dress Well, Test Well

As college students, there are many factors that contribute to our grades: the professor, the course material, the other classes we have that semester, the amount of time we spend studying, etc. But have you ever considered your test day outfit as a factor? While studying for finals isn’t always fun, there is a fun way to possibly boost your performance on a test: dress for success.

Our clothing impacts the way we act and perform. Fashion doesn’t only change the way you look, it changes the way you feel. And when you feel good, you can use that confidence to go into a test with more faith in yourself.

Know Yourself

Know what you feel best in. For some people, this may mean a color-coordinated athleisure outfit. For others, it could be a floral dress and a favorite pair of sandals. Regardless, spend some time determining what clothing it is that makes you feel the most confident, and then capitalize on it on test day—use that confidence.


Factor-in Comfort

You want to feel confident in your test-day gear, but don’t underestimate the impact of comfort. Avoid that super cute tube top you constantly have to pull up or the shoes you bought a little too small. If you’ve decided to wear a tank top, bring a cardigan or jacket for the air-conditioned classroom. Find that balance between fashion and function.

It’s Not Just Clothes

Hair, make-up, and accessories are also all an important part of your test-day ensemble. Pick a hairstyle that will keep your bangs out of your face but will also turn heads. If you’re like me and you skip mascara on most days, throw some on the day of that big test. You can siphon confidence for your test from every aspect of your look.


Don’t Forget to Study!

Even the best outfits cannot make up for a lack of preparedness, so make sure that your adorable ensemble merely supplements your brilliant mind!

I’ve applied a ‘dress-well, test-well’ philosophy to my life for years, and it certainly adds an element of fun to a day that can be stressful. You never know which professor is going to throw a curve-ball at you on an essay question or which weeks you are too crunched for time to fully prepare for that Friday test, but you can always dress for success.

Written by: Greta Gessert

Photos by: Greta Gessert

Edited by: Josie Gruber