How To: Dress Like Everyday is Halloween

Tim Burton is credited for saying, “everyday is Halloween, isn’t it? For some of us…” Here at Buttoned Bears, we agree wholeheartedly with that sentiment. To help our readers get into the spooky spirit of living like everyday is Halloween, we’ve provided some fashion tips to dress for the best season of all.

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Black Nail Polish:

This current nail trend lends itself well to the season of frights and fears. While not entirely changing an outfit, black nails give a clean finish to every look – showing the darker side of one’s fashion and harvest style.

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Subtle Odes to Characters:

There are so many ways to subtly nod to all your favorite characters, without dressing like its the night of the 31st. Perhaps you could wear all pink on a Wednesday for Mean Girls, put on a red sweater to be Mister Rogers, or don a high pony-tail and peter pan collar to recreate Betty Cooper in Riverdale. The opportunities truly are endless.

All Black:

Nothing screams Halloween vibes more than head to toe black. Although at Buttoned we wear this outfit regularly, throwing in some unexpected elements such as large boots or chunky sweaters will set the outfit apart in a seasonally appropriate manner.

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Elements of Orange:

Orange is the new black, after all. Since Halloween is famous for it’s black and orange color coding, try to highlight your fashion choices using this bold color choice. You can also opt for a more interesting color palette by extenuating with elements of bronze or gold.

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Find a Black Cat and Bring Him Everywhere:

A black cat is the ultimate Halloween fashion prop. Add in a pointy hat and a broomstick, and you’ll be taking your everyday Halloween style through the roof. The only difficult part is finding a well behaved c

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Written by: JJ Dickinson
Pictures by: Michaela Schirra
Edited by: Andi Perkins
Style, How Tobuttoned bears