Bittersweet Cookies

If you’ve stopped by Heritage Creamery recently you’ve probably noticed the excitement surrounding Hanna Austin’s business, Bittersweet Cookies. We’re here to tell you that the hype is real and worth it. These cookies are some of the best things we have had in awhile, and we are incredibly excited to host them at this year’s Pop-Up Shop!

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When did you decide to open a cookie business?

The summer before my sophomore year probably.

Has Bittersweet’s success surprised you?

Totally. Everyday I’m shocked and blown away by my customers. I’m just glad they like the cookies as much as I do!

How do you manage being in school while also working?

Honestly, that’s a tough question. So I was a full-time student, but it became impossible to do everything so I eventually had to go down to part-time. It was a long conversation with my parents and a hard decision, but we also realized that my situation is different and that Bittersweet should be my priority at this time.

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What advice would you give our readers who might be considering similar business ventures?

If anyone has any advice please hit me up, because seriously I’m just going with the flow of this! I google everything, but how I got my foot in the door was simply taking a chance and pitching my idea.

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Do you have a process for coming up with new recipes?

I just listen to my sweet tooth. I have a base recipe—the chocolate chip cookie—and I just use that and change it up by adding different ingredients like marshmallows. The other recipes are harder because they have different bases. But overall trial and error.

Do you incorporate fashion into your cookies?

Well actually the Heritage owner’s mom told me that I make designer cookies, because they’re not your average cookie—like they stand out and are different in a good way. I thought that was really cool, because I guess that means I have fashionable cookies.

Which is your personal favorite cookie?

I don’t really have a favorite; it depends on my mood I guess.

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Come taste Hanna’s delectable Bittersweet Cookies at Buttoned’s Pop-Up on November 10th at Pinewood Roasters!

Written by: JJ Dickinson
Photos by: Claire Boston
Edited by: Abby Sowder
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