Getting Ready for V-day

The big day is here, and you’re ready to go out on a date, party with your friends, or snuggle up at home. Either way, the holiday is all about celebrating love, which ultimately starts with you! Here are some tips and tricks to encourage some TLC and self-love for today’s big (or small) plans:


1. Have a Mini Spa Day 

Listen, whether you’ve got all day or you’re getting ready last minute, there’s nothing like a quick and easy face mask to get your skin glowing for your plans. 

Here’s a DIY face mask I love to whip up when I need a little confidence boost: 


2 tbsp of melted coconut oil

2 tbsp of honey

Optional: 2 tbsp of ground oats or 2 tsp of lemon juice

Mix it all together and let it sit for 15 minutes.

Also, if you’ve got time, don’t skip out on the benefits of taking a relaxing bath or painting your nails. Treat yourself! 

2. Spice Up Your V-Day Look 

It’s one day a year where excessive glitter, pink and red, hearts, and flirty styles come together and explode into a holiday. Take the opportunity to lean into the theme and incorporate it into your look. If you’ve got an edgier style, maybe tease it with some pinky blush or loose waves. Already dress like it’s Valentine’s Day every day? Incredible! Then now’s the time to try out a new red lip or jazz up your softer look with some Doc Martens. 

Here are some Pinterest looks for inspo:

3. Listen to an Amazing Playlist

Creating playlists to really niche moods are becoming more and more popular, so make that playlist called “Songs for getting ready on Valentine’s Day where I forget school and responsibilities exist” and have fun jamming out. 

4. Say Some Words of Affirmation

Some people are against the holiday, and that’s ok! The excessiveness, pressure, and over romanticization of it can turn a lot of people off. If you’re not into it, take the day to rest and spend a little extra time on yourself—you deserve it! But love it or hate it, remember that love starts with yourself. Keep it simple, say three to five things you like about yourself and remember it doesn’t have to be all physical. Your kindness, personality, and character are also reasons to be proud of who you are. 

Here are some examples, if you’re stuck on what to say:


So, now you’ve got 4 positive and fun things to add to your V-day routine. 

With all that being said, Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone!

Written by: Jasmine Crabb

Edited by: Abby Sowder

Photo by: Tanna Wasilchak @collartocollar