Harper Nietzey Embroidery

A needle and thread. That’s how it all starts for Harper Neitzey, a star embroiderer, who by weaving together an array of different colors makes finished products that are works of art. Neitzey, a senior journalism major from Tomball, Texas started her company, which has yet to be named, in hopes of bringing joy to people who look at her art. Let’s get to know Harper Neitzey!


When did you start embroidery? / Why do you embroider? 

In middle school I learned how to embroider at camp, but I didn’t think much about it. Then my sophomore of college, I went through a really rough period. I got diagnosed with a panic disorder and social anxiety and needed something to do to keep my hands busy and my mind off things. It gave me something to do and made me feel productive when all I wanted to do was lay in bed and watch Netflix. After my first couple weeks, I realized I was actually pretty good at it, and that year for Christmas, I made a lot of my family gifts. I also took a couple orders for the first time

What has been your favorite piece that you have done?

Two summers ago I embroidered my converse, and I love them! I wear them constantly, and they are a great conversation piece. People always ask about them. This past Christmas, I took custom orders and embroidered five pairs of shoes. It was a lot of work, but it was so fun to take each girl's personalities and incorporate it into their shoes. 


What are the materials that you use?

All you need is embroidery floss, the same stuff you make friendship bracelets with, and some needles. That’s really it! Embroidery hoops come in all different shapes and sizes. They keep your fabric tight so your stiches lay flat. I mostly embroider on canvas for wall hangings, hoops and patches.


Any advice for people who want to start embroidery?

Watch YouTube. That’s how I learn how to do all of the different stitches. It doesn’t hurt to have lots of patience also. My smallest pieces take me about an hour and a half EACH to complete, and I’ve worked on projects that have taken over 13 hours before. Find things that inspire you. I love taking pictures of things and recreating them with floss or embroidering quotes and funny references.


What can people expect at Pop-Up from you? 

I will have small hoop wall hangings, ranging in size and canvas flags.I will also have some small iron on patches. I make a lot of things inspired by Waco and Baylor.


Like what you see? Then come visit Harper Neitzey at Buttoned Pop-Up on November 10 at Pinewood!

Written by: Sami Caldwell
Photos by: Rachel Caldwell
Edited by: Andi Perkins